Life and death


Pieter Claesz : Vatitas (1630)

One of the most certain aspects of biological life is its end, death. You can look at this in different ways:

  • purely biological, for example: which cell processes play the role in the death of cells and tissues, and therefore of organs, organ systems and organisms. The extinction of species could also be discussed here and thus the role of death in biological evolution.
  • anthropological: what does dying mean for humans, when are you really dead, what does that mean for you as a person: is there an immortal side to your existence, other than the memory that others have of you? What do the great philosophers and religions mean by the “soul” and why should it be immortal?
  • Theological: how should we imagine an “afterlife” and is the relationship between death and “sin,” the death that would have entered human existence through sin. And what about the claim of the resurrection from the dead and the resurrection of the body?

On this page we refer to own posts that deal with this topic and to other sources. Scroll down for more info.

Since 2009 Biofides can be heard on Radio Maria, both in the Netherlands and in Flanders. Here are two broadcasts we spent on death (and the resurrection!):

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